
An applied data conference for data scientists

Kaizen Data is an applied data science conference focused on data analytics, processing, management, visualization and machine learning.

At Kaizen, you'll learn practical data science and build relationships with the best in the industry.


John Doe

Pete Skomoroch

Cofounder and CEO at Skipflag

A data scientist and entrepreneur focused on building intelligent systems to collect information and enable better decisions, Peter Skomoroch is cofounder and CEO of Skipflag, a new startup based in San Francisco.

John Doe

Mohammad Shahangian

Data Scientist at Pinterest

Mohammad leads Discovery Science at Pinterest where his teams are responsible for making Pinterest's billions of daily recommendations relevant. He was Pinterest's first data scientist and initially led the development of the company's core data infra and analytics.

John Doe

Robin Bordoli

CEO at CrowdFlower

Robin is Chief Executive Officer at CrowdFlower having joined the company in February 2015. Robin has spent the past two decades helping high growth companies launch and scale platforms and products into rapidly transforming markets.

John Doe

Jeff Darling

Lead Data Scientist at Clover Health

Jeff is a lead data scientist at Clover Health, a software-driven health insurance company leveraging data analytics and technology to fill gaps in care.

John Doe

Brad Klingenberg

Director of Styling Algorithms at Stitch Fix

Brad Klingenberg is the Director of Styling Algorithms at Stitch Fix in San Francisco.

John Doe

Danny Lange

Head of Machine Learning at Uber

Danny is a serial innovator of large-scale distributed software systems with significant breakthroughs in cloud-based Machine Learning, MapReduce, Mobile-to-Cloud architectures, Mobile Search, Distributed Speech Recognition, Mobile Agents, and Hypertext.

John Doe

Jeremy Stanley

VP of Data Science at Instacart

Jeremy Stanley works closely with data scientists at Instacart who are integrated into product teams to drive growth and profitability through logistics, catalog, search, consumer, shopper, and partner applications.

John Doe

Greg Dingle

CTO at ParseHub

Greg is currently building ParseHub, a tool for scraping the web. Before ParseHub, he worked for Facebook from 2008 to 2016 as a software engineer and co-founded a YC-backed startup, Snipshot.

John Doe

Ronnie Chen

Data Engineer at Slack

Ronnie Chen is a data engineer at Slack. She previously served as a software engineer at Braintree / PayPal and currently advises App Academy.

John Doe

Diana Pojar

Data Engineer at Slack

Diana is a data engineer at Slack. Previously, she served as a software developer at Twitter.

John Doe

Francesco Mosconi

Head of Data Science at Kickback Co

Francesco Mosconi is head of Data Science at Kickback Co. a YC-backed online gaming company, where he leads all data-related initiatives.

John Doe

Alessandro Gagliardi

Lead Professor at GalvanizeU

Allessandro is a Lead Professor at GalvanizeU where he helps teach the next generation of data scientists.

John Doe

Isaac Laughlin

Lead Data Science Instructor at Galvanize

Isaac Laughlin teaches Data Science theory and practice as part of Galvanize's 12-week Data Science Immersive course.

John Doe

Nir Kaldero

Director of Data Science at GalvanizeU

As a data scientist and economist, Nir serves on the faculty of the Masters’ of Engineering in Big Data.


Day 1

Hands-on Workshops

8:00 am

Registration and Breakfast

9:00 am

Danny Lange

Keynote: Future of ML for Business

Danny Lange, Uber


10:00 am

Alessandro Gagliardi

Spark SQL and Joining Distributed Data Frames

Alessandro Gagliardi, GalvanizeU


Francesco Mosconi

Machine learning on Time Series with Python

Francesco Mosconi, Kickback Co


11:30 am

Brian Spearing

Word2vec Algorithm: Made as simple as possible, but no simpler

Brian Spearing, GalvanizeU


Sean Sall

Intro to Neural Networks with NumPy, Theano, and Keras

Sean Sall, Arterys


1:00 pm


2:00 pm

Isaac Laughlin

Scikit-Learn - The Non-Modeling Parts (aka the best parts)

Isaac Laughlin, Galvanize


Mike Bowles

Intro to Tensor Flow

Mike Bowles, GalvanizeU


3:30 pm

Coffee Break

4:00 pm

Susan Eraly

Deep learning on Spark with GPUs

Susan Eraly, Skymind


Matt Conley

How I Use Docker for Data Science

Matt Conley, Tesla


5:30 pm

Chris Fregly

Spark ML and TensorFlow Models with Kafka, Docker, and Kubernetes

Chris Fregly, PipelineIO


Seemant Kulleen

Hands on D3.JS

Seemant Kulleen, Finish Up


7:00 pm

Mohammad Shahangian

Keynote: Data Science at Pinterest - The First 100 Petabytes

Mohammad Shahangian, Pinterest


8:00 pm

Mingle and Network

Day 2

Keynotes & Talks

8:00 am


9:00 am

Jeremy Stanley

Keynote: Building Data Science Teams

Jeremy Stanley, Instacart


10:00 am

Mingle, Meet Your Neighbors

10:30 am

Jeff Darling

Complexity in Health Data Warehousing

Jeff Darling, Clover Health


Diana Maria Pojar and Ronnie Chen

Scaling Data at Slack: A Series of Unfortunate Events

Diana Maria Pojar and Ronnie Chen, Slack


11:30 am

Brad Klingenberg

Machine Learning with Humans in the Loop

Brad Klingenberg, Stitch Fix


George Xing

Building Analytics at Lyft

George Xing, Lyft


12:30 pm


1:30 pm

Eli Bressert

Data over Matter: Innovating the Next Generation of Products

Eli Bressert, Netflix


Sharath Rao

Data Science For Product Recommendations At Instacart

Sharath Rao, Instacart


2:30 pm


Panel: Will blackbox machine learning platforms supplant data scientists? (i.e. will they be automated?)

Pete Skomoroch (Stealth Startup), Hilary Parker (Stitch Fix), Nick Gaylord (CrowdFlower), Stuart Bailey (Open Data)


Josh Yudaken

Building domain-specific databases using a distributed log (Kafka & Kubernetes)

Josh Yudaken, Smyte


3:30 pm

Networking / Nut Butter Break

4:30 pm


Panel: Generalist vs Specialist: How much of "everything" should you know?

Nicholas Chamandy (Lyft), Todd Holloway (Netflix), Nick Gaylord (CrowdFlower), Katie Kent (Galvanize) as Moderator


Chris Merrick

Taking SQL Seriously

Chris Merrick, Stitch


5:45 pm

Robin Bordoli

The 7 Myths of AI

Robin Bordoli, CrowdFlower


6:45 pm

After Party


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SOMA campus, San Francisco

Galvanize is a learning community for technology. Galvanize's data science immersive is the premier data science bootcamp in the nation. Graduates from the data science bootcamp go on to work at the top companies in the Bay Area.


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